Space Mice Academy - Presskit

Game Name: Space Mice Academy
Developer: Werewolf Developer
Publisher: Werewolf Developer
Release Date: June, 7, 2019
Languages: English, Spanish
Platforms: iOS (App Store), Android (Play Store)

Who is Werewolf Developer?
Hi, my name is Jorge and I am a single indie developer. I am from Spain and I try to do my best to be able to make a living from phone games.

What is Space Mice Academy?
I like to see Space Mice Academy as a precission clicker game, but it is also a game about colaboration, and somehow it is a simulation game too. The main characters, Professor Korokke, Ike and her friends, are trying to raise a space program to take mice to the Moon.  

How long does it take to develop the game?
The game was developed in more than three months. It was hard because I work alone, and that includes porting to platforms, making art, script, game design and updating my twitter account with some updates on the game.

Who made the BGM form the game?
Komiku ( Komiku's site ) is the author of the songs included in this Space Mice Academy. All the tracks were extracted from his album "Poupi's incredible adventures!". His tunes are friendly, beautiful and very appropiate for the best game feel. I'm very grateful for his work.

Which engine did you use?
The game was developed as a HTML5 game, using Phaser JS (v2.6) and was ported to mobile platforms with Apache Cordova.

Is there any tips to be better at the game?
Just launchs rockets as much as you can!

Game Design Werewolf Developer
Production Management Werewolf Developer
Programming Werewolf Developer
Writing Werewolf Developer
Graphics Werewolf Developer
Audio Komiku
Porting Werewolf Developer
Marketing Werewolf Developer


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